Betazol Creams 30 G Tablets Injection Eye Drops Uses Side Effects Price

Betazol Creams Tablets Injection Uses Dosage Details

Betazol Creams 30 G, Tablets, Injections contains a very useful drug named Diapropionate and Miconazole Nitrate. It contains the ingredients dipropionate 0.05% and miconazole nitrate 2% in cream base.
Betazol Cream Uses Dosage Side Effects
Cream, Injections, Tablets, Eye Ear Nose Drops

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Betazol G Creams Uses, Indications

Betamethasone Dipropionate in combination of miconazole nitrate (Betazol G Creams) use and indicated in infections of skin with fungi types and also along with inflammation. Cream also use for face pimples, itching, and several other fungi infections. Betamethasone dipropionate is synthetic fluorinated corticosteroid which is very effective against steroid responsive dermatoses. Meanwhile, Miconazol nitrate is an antifungal medicine agent which also possesses broad spectrum activities against pathogenic fungi including yeasts and dermatophytes.

Tablets, Injection Cream Uses

The use for topical use only and it applied once or twice a day in intervals. However, tablet,  injection dosage may be suggested by a doctor or pharmacist according to the condition of an individual patient.


However, its just for the external use for several infection types without any restrictions. Meanwhile, Tablets, Creams, Injections contraindicated in the patients who are hypersensitivity to any of the medicine ingredients.
Betazol G Cream Uses Dosage Side Effects
G Cream 30g

Betazol Creams Sid Effects

However, G Cream 30Gm is well tolerated and easy to sue for all type of patients. And it did not show any of the side effects. But, extended recurrent application may increase risk of contact sensitization and fungal resistance. Thinning of the skin mild depigmentation, acne, irreversible striate atrophic spread and worsening of untreated infection, impaired wound healing may occur.

Warnings & Precautions Of The Ointment

Firstly, systematic absorption of topical corticosteroids has resulted in reversible HPA (hypothalamic pituitary adenocortical) axis suppression, manifestation of Cushing’s Syndrome, hyperglycemia, systemic fungal infection and glucosuria. Furthermore, children may absorb larger amounts and be more suspectible to the use of corticosteroid. And therefore, it Use in children under 12 years is not advised.
 Tablets, Injections, Cream Storage Instructions
Firstly, you must protect ointment from direct sun light and heat. On the other hand, store the medicine below 30 C temperature. Lastly, you must read and check the Betazol Packing for the expiry date which printed on it. And if the product already expired you must not use it to avoid any kind of undesirable side effects.
Presentation & Availability
  • 1. Cream
  • 2. G Cream
  • 3. Tablets
  • 4.  Injections
  • 5.  Ear, Eye, Nose Drops

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Betazol Tablets, Cream, Injection, Drops Price In Pakistan India USA



All the details of the medicine provided on this website Pharmacy Online Here are only for informational purposes and there is no intent to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnostic, and treatment purposes. Therefore, always get medical advice from any qualified healthcare provider doctor, or pharmacist for any questions about your medical conditions, symptoms, or disorder. So do not disregard the medical advice of your professional healthcare provider or delay it simply because of the information your read here on this website. 

Note:Always Use Any Type Of Medicines Only Under The Supervision Of A Professional Healthcare Provider, Doctor, Or Pharmacist.


All the information about product uses, dosage side effects, formula, ingredients, indications, contraindications, drug interactions, warnings & precautions as well as it’s safe to use during pregnancy and lactation is purely based on the information available on the internet. And it is only provided here for general education and information purposes only. So do not take action about any of the information you found here because we do not guarantee the authenticity of each and every piece of information available on this website. All the information we produced is purely based on FDA-approved literature and does not substitute professional medical advice. This information is not intended to substitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be exclusively relied on to manage or diagnose a medical condition.