Econorm Sachets Tablets Capsules Uses Dosage Benefits Side Effects Price Details

What Is Econorm Sachets Tablets Capsules & What Are Its Uses Side Effects?

Econorm available in Sachets, Tablets and Capsules form contains a natural ingredient medication named “Saccharomyces Boulardii“. Mainly its is the first isolated form of lychee and mangosteen fruit peels formed into sachets, tab and capsules for the treatment of several large and small intestinal problems. It first discovered in year 1923 by a French scientist during studies. Belongs to the drug class of probiotic medicines the mechanism of action works with the restoration of the good balance of bacteria in the large and small intestines. Because the increase number of bacteria and decrease can create several type of intestinal infections in humans. So it prevent the growth of harmful bacterial in the digestive system as well as improve the stomach and intestines functions to help the digestive system work properly. Econorm Sachets Tablets Capsules Uses Dosage Benefits Side Effects Price Details

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What Is Econorm Sachet Tablet Capsules Used For? Is It Good For Loose Motion?

Firstly the use of econorm sachets tablets and capsules are recommended to use for the treatment of any digestive disorders symptoms in both adult and children patients. Meanwhile it used for the treatment of the symptoms like
  • Acute Diarrhoea
  • Loose Motion
  • Diarrhoea and Colitis associated with antibiotic use
  • For the prevention of clostridium difficile disease
  • Large or Small Intestine infections
  • Stomach infections
  • Bowel disease
  • Traveler’s diarrhoea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Aid Stool formation
  • Low weight caused by dehydration
  • Maintain healthy body weight
  • Food poisoning
  • Stress
Econorm Powder Sachets Tablets Capsules Uses In Urdu Hindi

Econorm Powder Sachet Tab Cap Benefits In Diarrhoea And Digestive Disorders

Any patient facing diarrhea or such digestive system disorder may face high number of bowl movements with loose watery bowl movements regularly whole day. It can be caused by any type of infections or food poisoning. All these symptoms cause the loose of good natural bacteria which help the digestive system. When the patients start loosing good bacteria from the body can cause several type of disorders including too much weakness and loss of weight. By the use of this product it helps the human digestive system to restore the number of good bacteria in the body. As well as reduce the bad bacteria from our digestive system. Which help to restore the digestive system and reduce the severity of the symptoms one have. It immediately reduce the diarrhea, and loose motions and protect you from these symptoms for a long time. During the treatment it provide more benefits if you take too much fluids like water, or juices.
Econorm Sachets Tablets Capsules Dosage For Adults & Babies
You must use the medicine as your pharmacist or doctor has advised you. Meanwhile the recommended dose for loose motion is to take 2 sachets of 250 mg as well as capsule and tablet of 250 mg use in the morning and in the evening with water in adults. Meanwhile in children having severe symptoms of digestive disorders may also use econorm 250 mg sach two times per day. But if the children are not facing severe symptoms take only half sach in the morning and half at bed times. Most importantly you must take it with water or any fruit juices. Similarly only your pharmacist may decide the exact dosage after the examination of your symptoms and its severity individually.
Econorm Sachets Tablets Capsules Side Effects
Like all the other medicine it also has shown side effects but not every patients get them as well as the frequency is also different in every patients. The side effects may include
  • Flatulence
  • Fever
  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Increase Thirst
  • Constipation
  • Itching
  • Allergic Reactions
  • Dry Skin
  • Hives
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Chest tightness
  • Breathing problems
  • Dry mouth
  • Swelling on face
  • Fungemia
  • Tiredness
  • Wheezing
Econorm Sachets Price Details
  • Sach Price In Pakistan India USA:   68 PKR. 58 INR, 2 USD / Per Sach
  • Tablets Price In India Pakistan USA: 221 INR, 350 PKR, 3 USD / Per Strip
  • Capsules Price In USA India Pakistan: 4 USD, 185 INR, 280 PKR/ Per Strip 5 Cap

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All the details of the medicine provided on this website Pharmacy Online Here are only for informational purposes and there is no intent to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnostic, and treatment purposes. Therefore, always get medical advice from any qualified healthcare provider doctor, or pharmacist for any questions about your medical conditions, symptoms, or disorder. So do not disregard the medical advice of your professional healthcare provider or delay it simply because of the information your read here on this website. 

Note:Always Use Any Type Of Medicines Only Under The Supervision Of A Professional Healthcare Provider, Doctor, Or Pharmacist.


All the information about product uses, dosage side effects, formula, ingredients, indications, contraindications, drug interactions, warnings & precautions as well as it’s safe to use during pregnancy and lactation is purely based on the information available on the internet. And it is only provided here for general education and information purposes only. So do not take action about any of the information you found here because we do not guarantee the authenticity of each and every piece of information available on this website. All the information we produced is purely based on FDA-approved literature and does not substitute professional medical advice. This information is not intended to substitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be exclusively relied on to manage or diagnose a medical condition.