Venofer Infusion Injection Best Iron Source Supplement For Iron Deficiency Protocol Injection Uses Dosage Side Effects Best Iron Source Formula Ingredients Price

Venofer Infusion Injection Best Iron Source Supplement For Iron Deficiency  Uses

Venofer Infusion: is The Best Iron Source Supplement and a trade name of the medical product which is used for the treatment of iron deficiency in different situations. Meanwhile, It is the solution for injection or concentrates for solution for infusion. On the other hand, Venofer Iron Injection is a dark brown, non-transparent, aqueous solution with a pH of 10.5-11.0 and an osmolarity of 1250 m0smol/l. What is an iron infusion?  You will find all the essential information about this medicine.

What Is Iron Sucrose And What It Used For?

Firstly, Iron Sucrose normally categorized as type ii complex drug class. It has two oxygen atoms which bound with each other iron atoms. In chronic kidney disease patients iron sucrose used to foster the red blood cells development to improve the health condition of an individual patient. It first found in Europe during studies in year 1949. Similarly, it fist approved to use in medicines in USA in year 2000.

Venofer Infusion Iron Sucrose Injection Uses Dosage Side Effects Benefits Ingredients Formula Price

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Venofer Infusion Injection Uses & Indications

Venofer Infusion Injection For Iron Deficiency Anemia is used for the treatment of iron Deficiency in humans in the conditions like

  • If there is a clinical need for a rapid iron supply.
  • Iron used in patients who cannot tolerate oral iron therapy or who are non-compliant.
  • On the other hand, also uses in Inactive inflammatory bowel disease where oral iron preparations are ineffective.
Venofer Injection Best Iron Source Supplement Dosage & Administration

Firstly, Best Iron Source Supplement Administration has administered intravenously by drip infusion. Meanwhile, It used by slow injection or directly into the venous limb of the dialyzer. And is not suitable for intramuscular use and for total dose infusion (TDI). Where the full dose of iron required, representing the patient’s total iron deficit administered in one complete infusion.

Consequently, Before Administration of the first therapeutic Dose, a test dose of  Injection must be given. Meanwhile, If any allergic reactions or intolerance occurs during Venofer Iron Injection Protocol Administration the therapy must be stopped immediately. Most importantly, immediately contact your physician or pharmacist.

On the other hand, Protocol should preferably be administered by drip infusion. However, It used in order to reduce the risk of hypotensive episodes and ravenous injection in a dilution of 1 ml (20 mg Iron) in max.

Venofer Infusion Protocol Best Iron Source Supplement Dosage
Calculation of Venofer Dosage:-

dosage calculation has to be individually adapted according to the total iron deficit calculated with the following formula.

Total Iron Deficit [mg] = body weight [kg] x (target Hb-actual Hb) [g/l] x 0.24* + deport iron [mg]

Venofer Dosage Calculation Below to 35 kg body weight:

Target Hb = 130 g/l resp. deport iron = 15 mg/kg body weight

Dosage Calculation Over 35 kg body weight:

Target Hb=150 g/l resp.depot iron = 500mg

*Factor 0.24 = 0.0034 x 0.07 x 1000 (Iron content of haemoglobin =0.34%/Blood volume = 7% of body weight/Factor 1000= conversion from g to mg)

Venofer Iron Injection Calculation Of Dosage For Iron Replacement Secondary To Blood Loss And To Support Autologous Blood Donation:

The required Venofer Injection Dose to compensate for the iron deficit calculated according to the following formula.

If the quantity of blood lost known:

Meanwhile, the administration of 200 mg i.v. iron 9=10 ml 0 results in an increase in hemoglobin. Which equivalent to 1 unit blood (=400 ml with 150 g/l Hb content)

Iron to be replaced [mg] = number of blood units lost x 200 or

Amount needed (ml) = number of blood units lost x 10

If the HB level is reduced:

Use the previous formula considering that the depot iron does not need to be restored.

Iron to be replaced [mg] = body weight [kg] x 0.24 x (target Hb – actual Hb) [g/l]

e.g: body weight 60 kg, Hb deficit = 10 g/l —> iron to be replaced = 150 mg —> 7.5 ml Venofer Iron Injection needed

Venofer Infusion Injection Best Iron Source Supplement Dosage

Adults And The Elderly:

Consequently, 5-10 ml Infusion (100-200 mg iron) once to three times a week depending on the haemoglobin level.

Venofer For Children:

Firstly, Limited data on children under study conditions. However, If clinical need it recommended not to exceed 0.15 ml Infusion (3 mg iron) per kg once to three times per week depending on the hemoglobin level.

Maximum Venofer Infusion Single Dose

Adults And Elderly:

Consequently, As venofer infusion 10 ml Venofer (200 mg iron) injected over at least 10 minutes. When the clinical situation demanded, doses of up to 500 mg have administered. The maximum tolerated single dose 7 mg iron per kg body weight given once per week. But not exceeding 500 mg iron.

Venofer Injection Drug Interactions

Meanwhile, As with all parental iron preparations Iron Injection should not administer concomitantly with oral iron preparations since the absorption of oral iron reduced. Therefore an oral iron therapy should at least started 5 days after the last Injection.

Venofer Use In Pregnancy

 In Pregnancy also used to get some useful benefits from the product ingredients. Meanwhile, Data on a limited number of exposed pregnancies indicated no adverse effects of Iron Sucrose on pregnancy. Furthermore, on the health of the foetus/ newborn child. However, No well-controlled studies in pregnant women are available to date. On the other hand, Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy.  Meanwhile, Nevertheless, risk/benefit evaluation required. Non metabolized Iron Sucrose is unlikely to pass into the mother’s milk. Therefore Venofer Infusion Protocol In Pregnancy should not present a risk to the suckling child.

Venofer Injection Side Effects

Firstly, the most frequently reported adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of Infusion Protocol in clinical trials are

  • Transient taster perversion
  • Hypotension
  • Fever
  • Shivering
  • Injection site reactions
  • Nausea

Meanwhile, not everyone gets these side effects only occurring in 0.5 to 1.5% of the patients. On the other hand, Non-Serious anaphylactoid reactions occurred rarely.

In general anaphylactoid reactions are potentially the most serious adverse reactions. In clinical trials the following Side Effects notices.

Venofer Infusion Side Effect:
  • Nervous System Disorders
Common Side Effects:
  • Transient taster perversions
Venofer Uncommon Side Effects:
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
Rare Side Effects:
  • Paraesthesia
Venofer Cardio Vascular Disorders:


  • Hypotension and collapse
  • , Tachycardia and palpitations.

Venofer Respiratory, Thoracic And Mediastinal Disorders

  • Bronchospasm
  • Dyspnoea

Venofer Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders

  • Pruitus
  • Urticaria
  • Rash
  • Exanthema
  • Erythema

Musculoskeletal, Connective Tissue And Bone Disorders Of Venofer

  • Muscle Cramps
  • Myalgia

Venofer Administration Site And Other General Disorders

  • Fever
  • Shivering
  • Flushing
  • Chest Pain
  • Tightness
  • Venofer Injection site disorders such as superficial phlebitis, burning and swelling also noticed.
  • Anaphylected reactions
  • Peripheral oedema
  • Fatigue
  • Asthenia
  • Malaise.

Moreover, in spontaneous reports the following adverse reactions of Injection reported.

Isolated Cases:
  • Reduced level of consciousness
  • Lightheaded feeling
  • Confusion
  • Angio oedema
  • Swelling of joints.

Firstly, Paravenous leakage must be avoided. Because leakage of Venofer Injection at the injection site may lead to pain, inflammation, tissue necrosis, sterile abscess, and brown discoloration of the skin.

Venofer Overdose Effects And Treatment

Firstly, the overdose of the iron sucrose can cause acute iron overloading which may manifest itself as haemosiderosis. Meanwhile, Overdose should be treated with supportive measures and if required an iron-chelating agent. In case of any over dosage, you must reach the hospital or contact your doctor or pharmacist for immediate help.


Venofer Infusion Effects On Drive And Use Of Machines

However, It is unlikely that Venofer Infusion Protocol has an influence on the ability to drive. And use machines because of its side effects.

Venorer Infusion Injection Storage Instruction

Firstly, store the injection in the original carton. Secondly, Do not store Venofer Infusion injection in above 25C temperature. On the other hand, do not freeze the injection infusion. Most importantly, keep all your medical products out of the reach of your small children.

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All the information about product uses, dosage side effects, formula, ingredients, indications, contraindications, drug interactions, warnings & precautions as well as it’s safe to use during pregnancy and lactation is purely based on the information available on the internet. And it is only provided here for general education and information purposes only. So do not take action about any of the information you found here because we do not guarantee the authenticity of each and every piece of information available on this website. All the information we produced is purely based on FDA-approved literature and does not substitute professional medical advice. This information is not intended to substitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be exclusively relied on to manage or diagnose a medical condition.

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